10 Reasons Why  Stairway to  Heaven is Banned on Guitar Stores

June 21, 2021

Known as the Forbidden Riff

It infamously gained the nickname “Forbidden Riff” because of how it is commonly played. Some people also reference the movie Wayne’s World for its gag on the song being played in guitar shops.

It is very... very popular

Stairway to Heaven is not just popular among people who play the guitar. Its song lyrics and melody have captured the hearts of music lovers, and it topped charts for weeks back in the day.

It is very easy to learn

One of the reasons why people choose to play this song is because of how easy it is to learn. The song covers the basics of guitar plucking, and its angelic notes hit differently than most guitar intros. Most beginners try their luck with this song in the process of finding their own guitar.

Guitar shop owners have heard it more than a thousand times

Apparently, more than  a thousand times than they could count.

It is very overplayed

Guitar shops might have played this song back in the day, but over time, with its popularity and ease in playing, this song has really been overplayed.

It is the first song most guitarists learn

Guitar shops might have played this song back in the day, but over time, with its popularity and ease in playing, this song has really been overplayed.

Other songs are not  played

The notion that Stairway to Heaven is the staple guitar intro in guitar stores limits the guitarists from exploring other songs. Because of how simple it can be played while still sounding cool, some songs are missed out.

It is basic etiquette not to play the song

Although it is not a written rule, it is basic etiquette to skip playing Stairway to Heaven when choosing the guitar. Playing other songs or plucking out your own songs would do the guitar store owners a favour.

The joke from the movie  was  embraced

The movie Wayne’s World banned Stairway to Heaven as a joke. However, there is some truth behind why Stairway to Heaven was not allowed to be played in that guitar shop.

The famous movie didn’t get the  license to  play the song